
Monday, August 15, 2011

Moodle 2.1.1 - Redirect to 'My Moodle' page after user logon

To redirect users to their course page referred to as 'My Moodle' page after login in moodle 2.1.1,

Click on Site administrator -> Appearance -> Navigation -> Default home page for users -> My Moodle

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Moodle 2.0 - Convert database engine from MyISAM to InnoDB

This scenario usually occurs when you upgrade moodle. If upgrading from moodle-1.9 to moodle-2.1.1, there is a database engine compatibility issue.

In the moodle notification page, the message below usually pops up:
Database tables are using MyISAM database engine, it is recommended to use ACID compliant engine with full transaction support such as InnoDB.

To convert your database engine to InnoDB, run the innodb.php script in the directory of the admin directory which is resident in the moodle directory.
Replace moodlesite.domain with you moodle path or IP address.

Enable Apache "public_html" for users in Ubuntu 10.04

Enable mod_userdir, which is installed by default with Apache2.  
sudo a2enmod userdir   

Create public_html directory with the user's permissions
mkdir public_html   

I don't know if that is a bug or a feature. Edit file /etc/apache2/mods-available/php5.conf and comment out lines

...IfModule mod_userdir.c...
        ...Directory /home/*/public_html..
        ...php_admin_value engine Off

Restart Apache Finally, you should restart Apache.  
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart  

You can test with http://localhost/~username  or http://ip-address-of-system/~username