
Saturday, February 6, 2010

Setup ospf on pfsense

Setting up ospf support for pfsense is easy. Pfsense is a freebsd flavor, but installing ospf support is done using the "pkg_add" command in the console, instead of the usual web administrative tool present.

Below are the steps in installing ospf in pfsense.

  1. start by downloading the openospfd package from the freebsd website. In the console or terminal, type :
  2. #pkg_add
  3. This will download and install (libevent-1.4.6 package) its dependency.
  4. Create a simple config file "/usr/local/etc/ospfd.conf", where is the IP address of the interface, and rl0 is the interface:
    # cat /usr/local/etc/ospfd.conf
    area {
    interface rl0
  5. Change the permission for the configuration file :
    # chmod 600 /usr/local/etc/ospfd.conf
  6. Test the ospf config with the command below:
    # /usr/local/sbin/ospfd -n -v
  7. To start, use :
    # /usr/local/sbin/ospfd
  8. Rename the file below:
    # mv /usr/local/etc/rc.d/openospfd /usr/local/etc/rc.d/
  9. Enable ospf from boot up
    # vi /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ <-- add line openospfd_enable="YES"

When the config-check command (# /usr/local/sbin/ospfd -n -v) was run, below was the putput from my system.

fib-update yes
rfc1583compact no
spf-delay 1
spf-holdtime 5

area {
interface rl0: {
hello-interval 10
metric 10
retransmit-interval 5
router-dead-time 40
router-priority 1
transmit-delay 1
auth-type none

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